My last blog (a while ago) was about wrist problems – I must have tempted fate. I had a major fall and broke my distal radius (near the wrist) in 3 places.
At the time I was studying Animal Chiropractic in the USA. After emergency surgery, I came back to Australia where I needed more surgery.
As you can see from the photo, I have external fixation rods and 3 plates to the radius.
Fortunately the team at Mona Vale Chiropractic Centre are on-hand (excuse the punn) to help the healing.
With major surgery like this you often get problems in other parts of your body.
Your movement is so restricted and affected by wearing things such as a sling and often you sleep badly, have extra tension and poor posture.
Chiropractic adjustments has helped stimulate my spinal nerves which has promoted healing. Having regular therapeutic massage has helped me to relax as well as improve movement in my wrist and shoulders.
I have also been treating myself with SCANAR which has dramaitcally improved the inflamation resulting from 2 major operations back to back.
You will be pleased to know that despite the accident I was able to complete my studies and am now a certified member of the International Veterinary Chiropractors Association. Hopefully I will be treating 2 legged and 4 legged patients very soon. Keep reading for updates on my treatment and healing.
One positive that has come from my accident is that the team at Mona Vale Chiropractic have been forced to become experts in the treatment of chronic wrist problems.